ok i have finally arrived in sydney today at 8++ am! so happy to be here, weather's not too bad, friendly people and all..albert was abit late when he went to pick me up though!LOL..i thought i was in the wrong place but nops, all is well in the end..
and yesterday before i left, i finally received my accomodation details and can move in in july, so im not homeless anymore!!though i still have to crash in albert's place first..lol..so all is good..im happy to finally be here and have my mother with me as well, everyone here is making me feel so at home!lol, had easyway just now and it tastes good..im liking it here so far, and im starting to get used to everything slowly, one step at a time..
the airport was an emotional affair..i cant help but cried my eyes out..my grnadpa, my maid and most of all my dad, gave me tight emotional hugs that made me feel so loved, im missing them terribly now, especially my maid, who really cried her heart out.. =(
ok,i'll blog more tomorrow, i have internet access easily now..thanx you guys for coming to send me off, i really appreciate it and thanx also for all those texts and calls and hangouts, i will miss it all terribly..love you guys..