Tuesday, June 23, 2009

a new day =)

dear readers,

today is my first day of uni, a new chapter of my life have begun..i had to wake up real early so i could catch the bus and the train to uni..and i did it all by myself *so proud* hahahaha..but i reached uni about 45min early, so i went to grab a bite to eat!! Guess where i had my breakfast? AT KRISPY CREME DONUT!! lol.. i had a sugar overdose though =p but it didnt last very long..cos when i went to uni, my lecturer was 15 min late!! and so i started to feel drowsy all over again =( but the class got interesting halfway through..LOL..and also my class ended 30min early =)

I WENT SHOPPING AFTER UNI!! *hides in shame* because there is a shopping centre right opposite my uni, which is just erm 5min away..LOL..so convenient, but it made my wallet thinner =( bought a pair of ballet flats..hahahaha..i will stop shopping soon before i suck my bank account dry *blushes*

then i came home via the train and bus again..and waited for albert to finish his exam and pamper him with donuts..LOLLLL..then we had dinner at this thai restaurant to celebrate our anniversary tomorrow =) we cant celebrate it tomorrow as he had exam the following day and its also his sister's bday so we did it a day earlier =)

overall a nice day well spent =p gotta go, got uni ag 8.30am tomorrow =(


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