Saturday, August 18, 2007


Omg~im like so tired right now,had a whole day of school and finished my chem prac at 2.30pm so now im currently blogging in my mom's waiting for her to finish work then my dad's bringing us go like so lazy to go but my dad says dat exercise is very good for your health.. =s i dont mind exercising on my bed =p hahaha..i feel like hibernating right now but oh well~ i have been eating alot like a piggy, must have put on some weight already so jogging might be good after all..hahaha =p

Anyway~nothing much happened today,its just like any other normal day,i think i will blog again when im free =p im gonna be busy from next week onwards, have to send alot of my friends off at the airport..thank god i have found my transport already,thank you mr albert shim,i know how tired you are after uni =p hehehe..not to mention he'll be my shoulder to cry on those days =) which im really grateful for..lalala~

And i probably have to start my revising next month,cant believe my exam is only two months away and im not even prepared for it.. =S wish me luck people..ok im off to jogging..

cheerios~ =p

248 <33

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